
Kutki Millets
Kutki Millet (Little millet) Saame in Kannada and Saava in Marathi, scientifically also known as Panicum sumatrans is reported to have 37% – 38% of dietary fibre, highest among cereals and is termed as nutraceutical. It has B-vitamins, minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, potassium which are important for growing kids to strengthens the body.
Benefits: Helps Fight Heart Diseases, Help Fight Diabetes, Improves Digestion, Rich in Anti Oxidents
Nutritional Values per 100g:
- PROTEIN 8.92g
- FAT 2.55g
- ENERG 346.31kcal
Kutki Aata
This fibre rich flour can be used as a healthy alternative to gluten rich flours and can be used as all purpose flour.
Dishes: Chapatis, Poori, Halwa, Mathri etc.

Kutki Suji
Little millet Suji has rich nutritional and medicinal value. It contains high phosporous. It especially good for people who has low body mass.
Dishes: Halwa, Upma etc.
Kutki Dalia
This coarsely ground millet of kutki is a popular substitute of wheat Dalia because of its complex carbohydrates, which makes it suitable for diabetic patients also.

Kutki Pasta
Kutki Pasta is the product obtained from grains of millet/kutki/nachini, through a cold extrusion & drying technologies which shall be free from abnormal flavors, odors, and living insects, and it shall also be free from filth (impurities of animal origin, including dead insects).
Kutki Vermicili
Kutki Vermicelli is the product obtained from grains of millet/kutki/nachini, through a cold extrusion process, which shall be free from abnormal flavors, odors, and living insects, and it shall also be free from filth (impurities of animal origin, including dead insects).

Millet shots
Boosts immune system,counters obesity,rich in antioxidants, loaded with vitamins,source of rich dietary fiber, natural calcium,plentiful micro-nutrients.
Ingredients; kodo,kutki,ragi,dry fruit,peanut,ghee.